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目前位置: 首頁 > 國外出版社 > Hal Leonard > Piano Recital Showcase / Composer Showcase > Carol Klose, Romantic Expressions

Carol Klose, Romantic Expressions
Late Intermediate Level

Carol Klose, Romantic Expressions Carol Klose, Romantic Expressions Carol Klose, Romantic Expressions Carol Klose, Romantic Expressions
作者(演奏者):Carol Klose
商品品牌:Hal Leonard
零售價:374 元
會員價:342 元






Romantic-style forms provide the vehicle for the exquisite imagery, variety of moods, and performance techniques found in this set of original piano solos by Carol Klose. One might even hear a glimpse of a particular composer or two from the Romantic era, making it a fine introduction to the style. • Cuckoo at Twilight • Gypsy Fire • The Hills of Glamorgan • If I Were a Dove • A River's Tale.






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