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目前位置: 首頁 > 國外出版社 > Alfred Music > 輔助教材系列 > Margaret Goldston > The Virtuosic Performer, Book 1

The Virtuosic Performer, Book 1
9 Exciting Late Elementary to Early Intermediate Piano Solo

The Virtuosic Performer, Book 1 The Virtuosic Performer, Book 1 The Virtuosic Performer, Book 1 The Virtuosic Performer, Book 1
作者(演奏者):Margaret Goldston
商品品牌:Alfred Music
零售價:291 元
會員價:266 元







This series was written for piano students who enjoy showing off their talent at recitals, competitions and festivals. The technical patterns in the pieces help develop strength and dexterity in the fingers, as well as evenness and clarity of tone. Book 1 features spirited and exotic works that adventurous late elementary and early intermediate pianists will find most satisfying. These pieces are also a great way to encouraged students who are a bit more reserved to reach for more emotive performances.





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