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目前位置: 首頁 > 國外出版社 > Faber Music > Pam Wedgwood, Piano Seascapes

Pam Wedgwood, Piano Seascapes
Piano Solo

Pam Wedgwood, Piano Seascapes Pam Wedgwood, Piano Seascapes Pam Wedgwood, Piano Seascapes Pam Wedgwood, Piano Seascapes
作者(演奏者):Pam Wedgwood
商品品牌:Faber Music
零售價:559 元
會員價:450 元




Piano Seascapes is a stunning collection of 12 original piano pieces that have been inspired by images of the sea and its surroundings. By best-selling composer Pam Wedgwood, this book is suitable for intermediate-level players and is accompanied by a beautiful pull-out poster of images providing the visual inspiration for each piece.


1. Victoria and Albert
2. Seascapes
3. All Washed Up
4. Bathing Machines
5. Moonlight Bossa
6. Crystal Waters
7. Sunset
8. On the Rocks
9. Messing About in a Boat
10.The Regatta
11.Drifting By
12.Stormy Seas




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