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Pam Wedgwood, Piano Dreaming
Piano Solo

Pam Wedgwood, Piano Dreaming Pam Wedgwood, Piano Dreaming Pam Wedgwood, Piano Dreaming Pam Wedgwood, Piano Dreaming Pam Wedgwood, Piano Dreaming
作者(演奏者):Pam Wedgwood
商品品牌:Faber Music
零售價:622 元
會員價:500 元





Piano Dreaming is an enchanting collection of 12 original piano pieces by best-selling composer Pam Wedgwood. Suitable for intermediate pianists, the pieces in this book explore the ever-popular neoclassical style. Journey to a land of dreams with these dazzling piano dreamscapes.

“Pam Wedgwood’s music is always distinctive, and once again these pieces have a quality and level of musical detail that players and teachers alike will enjoy digging into. Audiences, meanwhile, will likely be mesmerised by the beauty and expression of these compositions.





1.  Floating
2.  Sirius
3.  The Secret
4.  Chasing your Dreams
5.  Resolution
6.  A Distant Memory
7.  Suspended Animation
8.  Sliding Doors
9.  Forest of Dreams
11.Night Owl
12.Shadows on the Wall



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