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目前位置: 首頁 > 國外出版社 > ABRSM (英國皇家) > Music Theory 樂理 > A Performer's Guide to Music of the Baroque Period

A Performer's Guide to Music of the Baroque Period

A Performer's Guide to Music of the Baroque Period A Performer's Guide to Music of the Baroque Period
作者(演奏者):Anthony Burton
零售價:1550 元
會員價:1085 元





What do performers of today need to know to make an appropriate contribution to the music of different eras? And what can all musicians usefully learn from the experience of special lists in period performance? The Performer's Guides aim to answer these questions in a clear, helpful, and practical way. All three guides include an historical introduction, a detailed account of how the music of the period was notated, and how performers were expected to interpret it. It also includes a guide to sources and editions. Further chapters give specialist advice to keyboard players, string players, wind players, and singers. The contributors are all musicians with both scholarly expertise and practical experience; they include several leading performers. The book is illustrated with music examples, facsimiles and pictures, and includes a full-length CD of excerpts from a wide range of recordings.
Contributors -- Chrstopher Hogwood (Introduction) - George Pratt (Historical Background) - Peter Holman (Notation and Interpretation) - Davitt Moroney (Keyboard) - Andrew Manze (Strings) - Stephen Preston (Wind Instruments) - John Potter (Singing) - Clifford Bartlett (Sources and Editions).




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