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目前位置: 首頁 > 國外出版社 > Piano Safari - The Journey Begins > Piano Safari Theory Book Level 3(Asian Edition)

Piano Safari Theory Book Level 3(Asian Edition)

Piano Safari Theory Book Level 3(Asian Edition) Piano Safari Theory Book Level 3(Asian Edition) Piano Safari Theory Book Level 3(Asian Edition) Piano Safari Theory Book Level 3(Asian Edition) Piano Safari Theory Book Level 3(Asian Edition)
作者(演奏者):Katherine Fisher, Julie Knerr
商品品牌:Piano Safari
零售價:373 元
會員價:349 元





Students learn concepts through their work in Repertoire Book 3, Technique Book 3, and the Sight Reading Cards by analyzing and playing pieces and exercises. In the Theory Book 3, additional modes of learning are utilized, which include:

  • Analyzing
  • Writing
  • Copying
  • Harmonizing

These varying ways of approaching each concept ensure that students understand the basics of music notation thoroughly. Theory Book 3 is suitable both for use in the lesson and as homework for private lessons and group classes.






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