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目前位置: 首頁 > 國外出版社 > Schott Music > Flute > Rimsky-Korsakov Hummelflug (The Flight of the Bumble-Bee) for Flute and Piano

Rimsky-Korsakov Hummelflug (The Flight of the Bumble-Bee) for Flute and Piano
from the Opera "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"

Rimsky-Korsakov Hummelflug (The Flight of the Bumble-Bee) for Flute and Piano Rimsky-Korsakov Hummelflug (The Flight of the Bumble-Bee) for Flute and Piano Rimsky-Korsakov Hummelflug (The Flight of the Bumble-Bee) for Flute and Piano
作者(演奏者):Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
編譯者:Uwe Korn
商品品牌:Schott Music
零售價:336 元
會員價:312 元




Flight of the Bumble Bee from the opera 'The Legend of Tsar Saltan' based on a text by Pushkin is, without doubt, the best-known work in the oeuvre of Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov (1844-1906). The musical droning of the bumble bee has wedged its way into the concert halls and radio stations in different arrangements and interpretations. Uwe Korn now presents a new arrangement for flute and piano. The well-balanced and nice-sounding setting is of medium difficulty and makes Flight of the Bumble Bee accessible to pupils for private music-making or auditions.




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