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目前位置: 首頁 > 國外出版社 > Hal Leonard > Faber Piano 英文版 > Pretime to Bigtime > Playtime Lv.1 > PlayTime® Piano【Music from China】– Level 1 <售缺>

PlayTime® Piano【Music from China】– Level 1 <售缺>
Faber Piano Adventures

PlayTime® Piano【Music from China】– Level 1  <售缺> PlayTime® Piano【Music from China】– Level 1  <售缺> PlayTime® Piano【Music from China】– Level 1  <售缺> PlayTime® Piano【Music from China】– Level 1  <售缺> PlayTime® Piano【Music from China】– Level 1  <售缺>
作者(演奏者):Nancy Faber, Randall Faber
商品品牌:Hal Leonard
零售價:291 元
會員價:266 元




PlayTime Piano Music from China is a musical journey featuring energetic dances, quiet folk melodies, and original Chinese pieces. The book is arranged especially for the early elementary student and correlates with Level 1 in the Piano Adventures method. At this level, five-finger positions reinforce tonalities and intervals. Teacher duets provide a full, rich background. Along the way, students meet LeLe the musical panda, their whimsical guide to exploring the Chinese sound through discovery questions, improvisation, and composition activities. A picture tour of China, unique at each level of the series, introduces highlights of history and culture.


Fengyang Flower-Drum

Frog Dance

Let's Sing

Pouch Embroidering

Song of the Newsboy

Tune from Xinjiang

What Is the Most Beautiful




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