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音符用手抓 鋼琴 / 小提 >
音符用手抓──我和我的小提琴 1
1 長的,短的 Long, short
2 右手學做一隻蝸牛 Make a snail with your right hand
3 肩膀上的黃鶯 The golden oriole on your shoulder
4 蝸牛爬上了樹 The snail climbed up the tree
5 一起唱LaLa Let's sing LaLa
6 蹺蹺板上的La The La on the seesaw
7 找出認識的青蛙寶寶 Find the frog baby you re-cognize
8 小蝌蚪躲貓貓 Little tadpole's hide-and-seek
9 小蝌蚪與蝸牛 Little tadpole and the snail
10 跟著小狗的腳印 Follow the puppy's paw prints
11 LaLa的午茶時間 LaLa's teatime
12 樹 The tree
13 用划船的動作學弓法 Use the action of rowing a boat to learn the bowing
14 一起來划船 Let's row a boat
15 抓蟲子 Catching bugs
16 小木偶 The little puppet
17 上升,下降 Rise, fall
18 乘著氣球去旅行 Traveling on a hot air balloon
19 按絃的動作 Finger action
20 吹泡泡 Blowing bubbles
21 瞄準這個音 Aim for this note
22 躲避球 Dodge ball
23 海邊浮潛 Snorkeling by the beach
24 先遇到的是誰 Who is the first encounter?8
25 啄木鳥 The woodpecker
26 音樂盒 The music box
27 音符彈力球 Elastic ball notes
28 奇怪的鬧鐘 Strange alarm clock
29 誰的腳印 Whose footprints?
30 海洋之歌 Song of the ocean
31 雲霄飛車 The roller coaster
32 旋轉咖啡杯 Revolving coffee cups
33 晚上的鼾聲 Snoring at night
34 葉子大餐 The meal of leaves
35 小精靈與魔鏡 The little fairy and the magic mirror
36 大遊行 The big parade
37 蜘蛛的自助餐 The spider's buffet
38 星星在唱歌 The stars are singing
39 兩種快步舞 Two quickstep dances
40 自由的音 The free note
41 畫出音符 Draw the notes
42 線與間的順序 The order of the lines and spaces