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Dennis Alexander - Spring Promises
Level: Late Intermediate

Dennis Alexander - Spring Promises Dennis Alexander - Spring Promises Dennis Alexander - Spring Promises
作者(演奏者):Dennis Alexander
商品品牌:Alfred Music
零售價:229 元
會員價:209 元




The three movements of Spring Promises highlight the energy of spring that follows a long winter. The first movement, "A Garden's Promise," features a lyrical melody line over a chord progression that includes a descending bass line. It portrays the beauty of the flowers that begin to appear with the warmer weather. Staccato fifths and grace notes suggest the image of "Soft Rains" in the A section of the second movement. Triplets in the B section give a stronger sense of movement. The final movement---"Spring Fever!"---is a rondo that uses root position and second inversion chords in a lively setting. The staccato chords alternate with more lyrical lines to provide contrast.




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