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Flute Aerobics

Flute Aerobics Flute Aerobics Flute Aerobics Flute Aerobics
作者(演奏者):Jennifer Clippert
商品品牌:Hal Leonard
零售價:833 元
會員價:760 元




A 50-week workout program for developing, improving, and maintaining flute technique for all levels, beginners to advanced! In other words, you get one year of workouts with a two-week vacation! The online audio provides professional demo tracks of all the exercises. Techniques covered include: tone development, scales & arpeggios, finger mobility, articulation, flexibility, and intonation. The benefits of this program include facile technique, better intonation, improved tone, heightened rhythmic acuity, extended range, increased style vocabulary, improved ensemble playing, and more!



The Young Flutist's Recital Book – Volume 1 <售缺>

The Young Flutist's Recital Book – Volume 1 <售缺>

零售價:624 元
會員價:570 元
Mozart - Concerto In C Major, K. 299 for Flute, Harp and Orchestra

Mozart - Concerto In C Major, K. 299 for Flute, Ha...

零售價:541 元
會員價:494 元
Mozart - Three Sonatas for Flute and Piano

Mozart - Three Sonatas for Flute and Piano

零售價:583 元
會員價:532 元
Mozart - Six Sonatas, KV 10-15 for Flute and Piano

Mozart - Six Sonatas, KV 10-15 for Flute and Piano

零售價:749 元
會員價:684 元
Cécile Chaminade - Concertino, Op. 107 for Flute and Piano

Cécile Chaminade - Concertino, Op. 107 for Flute a...

零售價:458 元
會員價:418 元
Michel Blavet - Sonata in G Minor Op. 2, No. 4 for Flute and Piano

Michel Blavet - Sonata in G Minor Op. 2, No. 4 for...

零售價:624 元
會員價:570 元
Michel Blavet - Sonata in E Minor, Op. 2, No. 3 for Flute and Piano

Michel Blavet - Sonata in E Minor, Op. 2, No. 3 fo...

零售價:373 元
會員價:340 元
Michel Blavet - Sonata in D Major, Op. 2, No. 2 for Flute and Piano

Michel Blavet - Sonata in D Major, Op. 2, No. 2 fo...

零售價:541 元
會員價:494 元
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