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目前位置: 首頁 > 國外出版社 > The FJH Music Company Inc. > The FJH Pianist's Curriculum > In Recital > In Recital for the Advancing Pianist, Original Solos, Book 1 <售缺>

In Recital for the Advancing Pianist, Original Solos, Book 1 <售缺>
Level: Early Advanced

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In Recital for the Advancing Pianist, Original Solos, Book 1  <售缺> In Recital for the Advancing Pianist, Original Solos, Book 1  <售缺>
編譯者:Helen Marlais
商品品牌:The FJH Music Company Inc.
零售價:398 元
會員價:342 元



In Recital® for the Advancing Pianist – Original Solos, Book 1 contains musically engaging original solos by leading FJH composers. These original pieces showcase new works for the student who is at the early advanced level. Edited by Helen Marlais, this collection contains pieces strongly rooted in the classical music tradition such as etudes, preludes, nocturnes, polonaises, ballads and fantasies, as well as genres such as impressionistic music, Latin-style music, and jazz pieces.

This wide variety of original works will guide the advancing pianist through different musical and technical demands, capture the attention of audiences, and showcase the virtuosic abilities of the advancing pianist.



Nocturne in C Minor
Time Traveler
Lágrimas en la noche
Polonaise in G Minor
Tail Wind
Fantasia Appassionata
Astor’s Tango
Song Without Words
Vers libre
Breezes Over Avignon
Prelude in E Minor



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