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目前位置: 首頁 > 國外出版社 > The FJH Music Company Inc. > The FJH Pianist's Curriculum > In Recital > In Recital Duets, Volume 1, Book 3

In Recital Duets, Volume 1, Book 3
Level: Late Elementary

In Recital Duets, Volume 1, Book 3 In Recital Duets, Volume 1, Book 3 In Recital Duets, Volume 1, Book 3 In Recital Duets, Volume 1, Book 3 In Recital Duets, Volume 1, Book 3
編譯者:Helen Marlais
商品品牌:The FJH Music Company Inc.




In Book 3, students will get to experience duets written using eighth notes, five-finger patterns, cut time, patterns that extend from a five-finger position, and many more new musical concepts. This book serves as an excellent cross over to the Early Intermediate level duets. Features arrangements of Simple Gifts; Sleeping Beauty Waltz; Cielito Lindo and more, plus originals.



Simple Gifts
When Irish Eyes are Smiling
Sleeping Beauty Waltz
Beautiful Dreamer
Cielito Lindo (Beautiful Sky)
Fire Dance 



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