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In Recital Throughout the Year, Volume 1, Book 4
Level: Early Intermediate


In Recital Throughout the Year, Volume 1, Book 4 In Recital Throughout the Year, Volume 1, Book 4 In Recital Throughout the Year, Volume 1, Book 4 In Recital Throughout the Year, Volume 1, Book 4
編譯者:Helen Marlais
商品品牌:The FJH Music Company Inc.





In Book 4, we welcome contributions by Martín Cuéllar (a lyrical etude), David Karp (a Halloween piece and an equal-part duet), and Kevin Costley (an arrangement of America the Beautiful), along with showpieces by Melody Bober and Kevin Olson, who has also arranged a classical theme solo of Offenbach’s Barcarolle. New elements include: sixteenth note patterns, compound meters, inversions of I, IV, and V chords, octave scale passages, some LH melodic passages, and more intricate accompaniments. The CD and teaching pages address more advanced performance issues.



Etude in D Minor
March of the Clones
Secret Spy Mission
Ghost Stories
Ding Dong! Merrily on High
America, the Beautiful 



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