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目前位置: 首頁 > 國外出版社 > The FJH Music Company Inc. > The FJH Pianist's Curriculum > In Recital > In Recital Throughout the Year, Volume 1, Book 2

In Recital Throughout the Year, Volume 1, Book 2
Level: Early Elementary

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In Recital Throughout the Year, Volume 1, Book 2 In Recital Throughout the Year, Volume 1, Book 2
編譯者:Helen Marlais
商品品牌:The FJH Music Company Inc.
零售價:290 元
會員價:264 元

促銷價:209 元





The outstanding FJH composers of Book 1 return to further engage and challenge more experienced elementary students in Book 2 of In Recital® Throughout the Year. New musical concepts are introduced (legato and staccato articulations, crescendo/ decrescendo, ritardando, rests, etc.), and familiar ones reinforced (note values, keys, hand positions, etc.). The companion CD can be used as a motivational tool, to help the student gain an intuitive understanding of each piece. Recital preparation tips continue to build excitement into the approach to recital performance. Higher grade level than Book 1, same low price!



Cornflower Air
Highland Jig
The Dirty Dish Rag
Theme from Symphony No. 5
Halloween Sounds
Jingle Bells
Good King Wenceslas
Yankee Doodle Boy



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