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目前位置: 首頁 > 國外出版社 > The FJH Music Company Inc. > The FJH Pianist's Curriculum > In Recital > Best of In Recital Solos, Book 1

Best of In Recital Solos, Book 1
Level: Early Elementary

Best of In Recital Solos, Book 1 Best of In Recital Solos, Book 1 Best of In Recital Solos, Book 1 Best of In Recital Solos, Book 1
編譯者:Helen Marlais
商品品牌:The FJH Music Company Inc.
零售價:354 元
會員價:323 元




We’ve chosen the best solos from the In Recital® series, and put them under one cover. Book 1 features 13 pieces: eight original solos, three folk tunes, and two classical arrangements. There is a wide-range of styles: lyrical pieces from Melody Bober, Mary Leaf, and Elizabeth Greenleaf; a rag from Jason Sifford; a jazz piece from Christopher Goldston; and a gospel number from Edwin McLean. Some have optional duet parts. Free downloadable recordings assist in preparation and serve as a motivational tool.



London Bridge
Whispering Wind
Old MacDonald Had a Farm
Riding My Pony
Roses from the South
Hear the Wind Blowing!
Swingin' Cats
Oh! Susanna
The Run-Around Rag
"Surprise" Symphony
Distant Bells
The Squeaky Stairs
Bringin' It Home



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In Style! Book 1

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會員價:264 元
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In Style! Book 2

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In Style! Book 3

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In Style! Book 4

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New Etudes, Book 2 <售缺>

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New Etudes, Book 3 <售缺>

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New Etudes, Book 4

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總計 83 個記錄 第一頁 ... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


Best of In Recital Solos, Book 2

Best of In Recital Solos, Book 2

零售價:354 元
會員價:323 元
Best of In Recital Solos, Book 3

Best of In Recital Solos, Book 3

零售價:354 元
會員價:323 元
Best of In Recital Solos, Book 4

Best of In Recital Solos, Book 4

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會員價:264 元
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鋼琴小精靈1 (附獎勵貼紙)

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