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目前位置: 首頁 > 國外出版社 > Alfred Music > Solos for Young Violinists / Cellists > Solos for Young Violinists Violin Part and Piano Acc., Volume 5

Solos for Young Violinists Violin Part and Piano Acc., Volume 5
Selections from the Student Repertoire

Solos for Young Violinists Violin Part and Piano Acc., Volume 5 Solos for Young Violinists Violin Part and Piano Acc., Volume 5 Solos for Young Violinists Violin Part and Piano Acc., Volume 5 Solos for Young Violinists Violin Part and Piano Acc., Volume 5 Solos for Young Violinists Violin Part and Piano Acc., Volume 5
作者(演奏者):Barbara Barber
商品品牌:Alfred Music
零售價:583 元
會員價:532 元




Solos for Young Violinists is a graded series of works ranging from elementary to advanced levels representing an exciting variety of styles and techniques for violinists -- a valuable resource for teachers and students of all ages. Many of the works in this collection have long been recognized as stepping stones to the major violin repertoire, while others are newly published pieces for further choices of study. This title is available in Music Prodigy. 




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