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目前位置: 首頁 > 國外出版社 > Alfred Music > Music for Little Mozarts > Lesson Book > Music for Little Mozarts【Music Lesson Book】 1

Music for Little Mozarts【Music Lesson Book】 1
A Piano Course to Bring Out the Music in Every Young Child

Music for Little Mozarts【Music Lesson Book】 1 Music for Little Mozarts【Music Lesson Book】 1 Music for Little Mozarts【Music Lesson Book】 1 Music for Little Mozarts【Music Lesson Book】 1
編譯者:Christine H. Barden, Gayle Kowalchyk, and E. L. Lancaster
商品品牌:Alfred Music
零售價:416 元
會員價:380 元





Lesson Book 1 is pre-reading. Concepts taught are: How to sit at the piano; Correct hand position; High and low; Loud and soft (forte and piano); Keyboard topography; Bar line and measure, Quarter, half, whole notes and rests; and Repeat signs. The first pieces in the book are played on the black keys. Later in the book, C D E for the RH and C B A for the LH (Middle C position) are taught with letter notes (the name of the note is written inside the note head).

Characters introduced: Mozart Mouse, Beethoven Bear, and Elgar E. Elephant.

The music from this book is available in the Piano Maestro app that's downloadable at http://app.appsflyer.com/id604699751?pid=web&c=alfred. Learn more About JoyTunes, the maker of Piano Maestro at http://teachers.joytunes.com/?jt&utm_source=alfred&utm_campaign=web.




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