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目前位置: 首頁 > 國外出版社 > ABRSM (英國皇家) > Piano 鋼琴 > Scales 音階 > ABRSM 英國皇家 鋼琴音階指南 Scale Explorer for Piano, Grade 2

ABRSM 英國皇家 鋼琴音階指南 Scale Explorer for Piano, Grade 2
Scale Explorer 音階指南

ABRSM 英國皇家 鋼琴音階指南 Scale Explorer for Piano, Grade 2 ABRSM 英國皇家 鋼琴音階指南 Scale Explorer for Piano, Grade 2
零售價:660 元
會員價:561 元




Scale Explorer for Piano is a creative resource for students learning their scales and arpeggios. This book covers ABRSM’s new syllabus requirements (from 2021) at Grade 2, and includes engaging activities that bring scales to life through short pieces, improvisation, composition and exercises.

Key features

• Workouts to help establish the fingering patterns by breaking each scale and arpeggio into small sections

• Tips and hints to encourage students to remember the characteristics of individual scales

• Short, tuneful pieces that incorporate scale and arpeggio patterns, showing how they are used in music and providing reading and playing opportunities

• ‘Tune Factory’ activities, where students can compose their own melodies and improvise within the scale key

• A chart with tick boxes, to help students with their scale and arpeggio revision




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