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目前位置: 首頁 > 國外出版社 > Hal Leonard > Instrumental > Flute > Paul Taffanel Grand Fantasy on Themes from " Mignon" for Flute & Piano

Paul Taffanel Grand Fantasy on Themes from " Mignon" for Flute & Piano

Paul Taffanel Grand Fantasy on Themes from Paul Taffanel Grand Fantasy on Themes from Paul Taffanel Grand Fantasy on Themes from
作者(演奏者):Paul Taffanel
編譯者:James Galway
商品品牌:Hal Leonard
零售價:706 元
會員價:644 元




Adapted and based on themes from the Ambroise Thomas opera Mignon, this Paul Taffanel work is a firmly established part of the modern flute repertoire. This new Southern publication features Sir James Galway's own phrasing and performance markings in a clean, modern engraving.





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