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目前位置: 首頁 > 國外出版社 > Hal Leonard > John Thompson > John Thompson's Easiest Piano Course <Part 1>

John Thompson's Easiest Piano Course <Part 1>
Book Only

John Thompson's Easiest Piano Course <Part 1> John Thompson's Easiest Piano Course <Part 1> John Thompson's Easiest Piano Course <Part 1> John Thompson's Easiest Piano Course <Part 1> John Thompson's Easiest Piano Course <Part 1>
商品品牌:Hal Leonard
零售價:333 元
會員價:304 元





Piano Level: Elementary


A classic, comprehensive step-by-step course specifically designed to suit the needs of children beginning the piano. Features colorful characters and illustrations • writing exercises • sight-reading drills • review work • and more! Also contains worksheets, reading-aloud exercises and accompaniments for teacher or parent. Our latest edition (2019) features updated artwork by Sergio Sandoval.



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