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目前位置: 首頁 > 國外出版社 > Alfred Music > 輔助教材系列 > Melody Bober > Major Scale Pro > Major Scale Pro, Book 1 <售缺>

Major Scale Pro, Book 1 <售缺>
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Major Scale Pro, Book 1 <售缺> Major Scale Pro, Book 1 <售缺> Major Scale Pro, Book 1 <售缺> Major Scale Pro, Book 1 <售缺> Major Scale Pro, Book 1 <售缺>
作者(演奏者):Melody Bober, Gayle Kowalchyk, and E. L. Lancaster
商品品牌:Alfred Music
零售價:416 元
會員價:380 元



Level: Late Elementary / Early Intermediate

Major Scale Pro, Book 1 introduces students to the seven white-key major scales in a systematic way. Basics of building a major scale are presented, first by using tetrachords to learn the pattern of whole steps and half steps followed by playing one-octave scales hands separately. Optional teacher duets are included for both one-octave and two-octave scales.




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