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目前位置: 首頁 > 國外出版社 > Hal Leonard > Instrumental > Flute > Telemann - Twelve Fantasias for Solo Flute

Telemann - Twelve Fantasias for Solo Flute
泰勒曼 12首長笛幻想曲

Telemann - Twelve Fantasias for Solo Flute Telemann - Twelve Fantasias for Solo Flute
作者(演奏者):Georg Philipp Telemann
編譯者:Louis Moyse
商品品牌:Hal Leonard
零售價:416 元
會員價:380 元




Contents: Fantasia in A Major • Fantasia in B minor • Fantasia in B-flat Major • Fantasia in C Major • Fantasia in D Major • Fantasia in E minor • Fantasia in D minor • Fantasia in E Major • Fantasia in F-sharp Major • Fantasia in G Major • Fantasia in G minor • Fantasia No. 2 in A minor (unaccompanied)



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