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Great Movie Concerti – Warsaw Concerto and More
Piano Play-Along Softcover with CD(售缺)

Great Movie Concerti – Warsaw Concerto and More Great Movie Concerti – Warsaw Concerto and More
作者(演奏者):Sergei Rachmaninoff, Richard Addinsell, Wolfgang Amadeus Moz
商品品牌:Hal Leonard



Here is the perfect collection for the movie lover! The oft-requested “Warsaw Concerto,” from the film Dangerous Moonlight; excerpts from Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No. 2, including every music-cue featured in the classic wartime love story Brief Encounter; and Mozart's magical Adagio from his C major Piano Concerto No. 21 as used so memorably in the film Elvira Madigan. Listen to the soloist perform these in beautiful reference versions, then you take his place to perform these with full accompaniment in all their lustrous glory! Includes slow-tempo practice accompaniments of the Warsaw Concerto.



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