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目前位置: 首頁 > 國外出版社 > Alphonse Leduc > P. Taffanel et Ph. Gaubert 17 Grands Exercices Journaliers de Mécanisme pour Flûte

P. Taffanel et Ph. Gaubert 17 Grands Exercices Journaliers de Mécanisme pour Flûte

P. Taffanel et Ph. Gaubert 17 Grands Exercices Journaliers de Mécanisme pour Flûte P. Taffanel et Ph. Gaubert 17 Grands Exercices Journaliers de Mécanisme pour Flûte P. Taffanel et Ph. Gaubert 17 Grands Exercices Journaliers de Mécanisme pour Flûte
商品貨號:AL17204 / HL48180297
商品品牌:Alphonse Leduc
零售價:1449 元
會員價:1346 元




Composed by Paul Taffanel (1844-1908) and Philippe Gaubert (1879-1941), 17 Grands Exercices Journaliers de Mécanisme should be performed daily to maintain and strengthen your technique and tone. In this progressive method, the importance of the purity of the sound is highlighted and the flautist should work their techniques keeping this idea constantly in mind. A calendar appears at the beginning of the method to ensure progress is made and advice is given in four languages: French, English, German, and Spanish.

Composed by Paul Taffanel (1844-1908) and Philippe Gaubert (1879-1941), 17 Grands Exercices Journaliers de Mécanisme should be performed daily to maintain and strengthen your technique and tone. In this progressive method, the importance of the purity of the sound is highlighted and the flautist should work their techniques keeping this idea constantly in mind. A calendar appears at the beginning of the method to ensure progress is made and advice is given in four languages: French, English, German, and Spanish.



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