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目前位置: 首頁 > 國外出版社 > Alfred Music > PremierPiano卓越英文版 > 樂理Theory 1A-6 > Alfred Premier Piano Course, Theory 5

Alfred Premier Piano Course, Theory 5
艾弗瑞 卓越鋼琴教程 樂理 5

Alfred Premier Piano Course, Theory 5 Alfred Premier Piano Course, Theory 5 Alfred Premier Piano Course, Theory 5 Alfred Premier Piano Course, Theory 5
作者(演奏者):Dennis Alexander, Gayle Kowalchyk, E. L. Lancaster, Victoria
商品品牌:Alfred Music
零售價:374 元
會員價:342 元




The activities in Theory Book 5 continue to develop the theoretical knowledge begun in previous levels of the course. A balanced mix of necessary drill with activities that stimulate creativity, including harmonization and composition, makes theory motivating and fun for students. Written theory is interspersed with activities that foster sight-reading and ear-training skills, while intriguing comments on music history and style reinforce the theoretical principles.



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