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目前位置: 首頁 > 國外出版社 > Alfred Music > String Builder > 中提琴Viola > String Builder,【Viola】Book 3

String Builder,【Viola】Book 3

String Builder,【Viola】Book 3 String Builder,【Viola】Book 3 String Builder,【Viola】Book 3
作者(演奏者):Samuel Applebaum
商品品牌:Alfred Music
零售價:333 元
會員價:304 元




 The Belwin String Builder is a string class method in which the violin, viola, cello, and bass play together throughout. Each book, however, is a complete unit and may be used separately for class or individual instruction. The material in this book is realistically graded so that only a minimum of explanatory material is required. Each melody is interesting and will provide the basis for a fine left hand technic and bow arm. Available in three levels for violin, viola, cello, bass, piano accompaniment, and teacher's manual.



String Builder,【Cello】Book 1

String Builder,【Cello】Book 1

零售價:416 元
會員價:380 元
String Builder,【Cello】Book 2

String Builder,【Cello】Book 2

零售價:333 元
會員價:304 元
String Builder,【Cello】Book 3

String Builder,【Cello】Book 3

零售價:333 元
會員價:304 元
String Builder,【Violin】Book 1

String Builder,【Violin】Book 1

零售價:416 元
會員價:380 元
String Builder,【Violin】Book 2

String Builder,【Violin】Book 2

零售價:333 元
會員價:304 元
String Builder,【Violin】Book 3

String Builder,【Violin】Book 3

零售價:333 元
會員價:304 元
String Builder,【Viola】Book 1

String Builder,【Viola】Book 1

零售價:416 元
會員價:380 元
String Builder,【Viola】Book 2

String Builder,【Viola】Book 2

零售價:333 元
會員價:304 元
總計 116 個記錄 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...最末頁


String Builder,【Viola】Book 1

String Builder,【Viola】Book 1

零售價:416 元
會員價:380 元
String Builder,【Viola】Book 2

String Builder,【Viola】Book 2

零售價:333 元
會員價:304 元