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ABRSM Music Theory in Practice, Grade 5
英國皇家 樂理練習本【第5級】

ABRSM Music Theory in Practice, Grade 5 ABRSM Music Theory in Practice, Grade 5
作者(演奏者):Eric Taylor
零售價:750 元
會員價:638 元




英國皇家 樂理練習本【第5級ABRSM Music Theory In Practice Grade 5

The Music Theory In Practice series has helped more than one million musicians worldwide to learn about the notation and theory of music.

Revised for 2008, Eric Taylor's Music Theory In Practice is the indispensable guide to theory from the Associated Board. Covers all topics required for Grade 8, with plenty of practise examples and simple, precise explanations.

● A clear explanation of music notation. 
 Straightforward language throughout. 
 Many worked examples and practice exercises. 
 Definitions of important words and concepts. 
 Specimen exam questions. 
 Helpful tips for students.

As well as supporting the ABRSM theory syllabus, this workbook also provides an excellent resource for anyone wishing to develop general music literacy skills.
◆ 30.48 × 22.86 cm 56頁 ◆
ABRSM Publishing 商品編號:9781860969461
編訂者 Eric Taylor's
ISBN 9781860969461
外觀 平裝 / 56頁 / 30.48 x 22.86 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 
特徵 ABRSM 鋼琴樂理
語言 英文版


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