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目前位置: 首頁 > 國外出版社 > Alfred Music > 輔助教材系列 > Joyce Grill > Joyce Grill - Jingled Bells (1 Piano, 6 Hands)

Joyce Grill - Jingled Bells (1 Piano, 6 Hands)
Level: Late Elementary

Joyce Grill - Jingled Bells (1 Piano, 6 Hands) Joyce Grill - Jingled Bells (1 Piano, 6 Hands) Joyce Grill - Jingled Bells (1 Piano, 6 Hands)
作者(演奏者):Joyce Grill
商品品牌:Alfred Music
零售價:250 元
會員價:228 元




Written for one piano, six hands, this is a delightful arrangement of "Jingle Bells." Performance notes are added that, when followed by the three performers, turn the piece into a mini comedy-drama. Following a short introduction, performer 2 begins the arrangement with the chorus of "Jingle Bells." Two variations of the verse follow. One is set in 3/4 time and the other is a transition, leading back to the chorus in a minor key. The lively ending will bring any audience to their feet. A Federation Festivals 2020-2024 selection.




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